Sunday, 13 March 2011

Spring in focus with Samsung NX100!


Few months back, before aku beli camera, aku ade buat research sket tentang calon2 camera yg aku nak beli. Tanya kawan2 yg suke camera + photography, bace review, survey retail price + offer, etc. Benda mahal beb. Aku bukan berduit sgt nk beli lain taram je, then lepas x puas hati, beli yg main pulak. Hasil research aku, end up beli Canon G12. Model baru jugak la time aku beli tu. Waktu aku pulun research aku tu, ade sorg kwn, recommend Samsung nx100. Lepas usha2, aku dapati, aku x reti nk gune camera tu. Haha. Ni silap aku, korg jgn terpengaruh. Selain tu, waktu tu, harga dia (samsung nx100) mahal dowh! Tp, hasil gambar dia mmg cun melecun. X silap aku, aku pnah letak video ni kt entri dlu. Tp, xpe, korg bleh tgk lg skali.

Sekarang dah masuk spring - pokok2 dah mula bertunas balik. Ade jugak yg dah mula keluar bunga sket2. Amaaaatlah seswai kalo nk buat photoshoot. Ntah bila aku nk merayau shooting spring scenery -.- Btw, Jessops (kedai jual camera) ade buat sales utk model samsung nx100. Dia letak harga £299.95 (dalam RM1466 rate hari ni). Dapat body dgn 20-50mm lens. Price drop smpi £70. Banyak tu wei, £70! Mcm2 bleh beli dgn duit byk tu. Kalo convert, lagilah. Paling tak dah dalam RM350 tu.. Lg 1, kalo beli dgn jessops, dorg kasi free 8" compact digital picture frame. Oke lah tu kot.

Ape yg bestnye samsung nx100 ni? Kwn aku ckp, camera ni handy. System camera, tp x besar gedabak mcm dslr - compact. Kwn2 dia, nx10 dgn nx5 besar sket. Aku da pnah cite gk dlu, yg nx100 ni ade smart filter. Aku x bape pasti range dia. Kne double check, dan aku malas. Yg lain dan yg buat aku x biasa dgn model ni, sbb kebanyakan function dia, ade kt lense, bukan kt body (i-Function lens). In a way, aku rs i-Function lens ni praktikal. Biasanya, kita akn hold camera body kt tangan kanan, kan? So, tangan kiri boleh deal dgn function kt lens. Nak review panjang2 pon, x pnah gune btol2.. uhuk2.

So, aku quote sket review dari dollarstockphotos;
Samsung NX100 system camera review :  The method camera products group is steadily advancing. They were somewhat slow to acquire heading, but with all the arrival of new producers for example Samsung, the speed is rising. In accordance to Samsung, the method digital camera will conquer 4% of market share in 2010, however it is anticipated to extend five occasions in 2011 to 20% of marketplace shares from the DSLR and method digital camera segment. It’s clear that this may be in the cost of component from the digital SLR digital camera industry. The new Samsung NX100 is expected to become aspect of that improve. The Samsung NX100 is really a 14.6 Megapixel system digital camera with an APS-C format sensor as well as a pleasant value tag. 
Selain nx100, ade lagi model2 lain yg drop price. Aku x brape pasti tentang samsung world market. Yg aku taw, kalo harga camera canon, harga UK lagi murah dr harga malaysia, and otherwise utk camera nikon. 

FJ : Spring = pollen + buds + bees 
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