I dun even know, what is actually in my mind right now. Just finished browsing am's photos in FB. Suddenly, I miss UK. Very much! I miss the life over there, the friendship, the environment, the memories. Some part of me couldn't wait any longer to go back to the British land. But, the other part urging to stay here. I just can't bear the fact that I'm going to be in my final year this Oct. Hummmpphhhh.. Right now, I am so weak..
dari laptop penaip,
27 August 2009
Guess this means you're sorry You're standing at my door Guess this means you take back All you said before
Like how much you wanted Anyone but me Said you'd never come back But here you are again
Cuz we belong together now.. yeah Forever united here somehow.. yeah You got a piece of me And honestly My life (my life) would suck (would suck) without you
Maybe I was stupid For telling you goodbye Maybe I was wrong For tryin' to pick a fight I know that I've got issues But you're pretty messed up too Either way I found out I'm nothing without you
Cuz we belong together now.. yeah Forever united here somehow.. yeah You got a piece of me And honestly My life (my life) would suck (would suck) without you
Being with you is so dysfunctional I really shouldn't miss you But I can't let you go Oh, yeah
Cuz we belong together now.. yeah yeah Forever united here somehow.. yeah You got a piece of me And honestly My life (my life) would suck (would suck) without you
Cuz we belong (yeah) together now (together now).. yeah Foerever united here somehow.. yeah You got a piece of me And honestly My life (my life) would suck (would suck) without you
Salam Ramadhan al-mubarak utk semua. Pertamanya, maaf di atas segala salah dan silap aku pada kalian semua sepanjang perkenalan kita.Keduanya, keadaan skrg x mengizinkan aku utk bercerita pnjg mengenai perkara yg berlegar di sekitar aku.Ketiganya, pada kali ini, aku sgt2 ingin memperkatakan tentang solat jemaah. Yelah, aku tahu aku siapa. Bukan kaki masjid, bukan kaki surau, jemaah pun, jarang sekali. Namun, ramadhan membuka pintu hati aku ke masjid. Alhamdulillah, aku masih sempat merasai nikmat berterawih bersama jemaah-jemaah lain. Ade beberapa perkara yg aku kesalkan dalam keghairahan umat islam mengerjakan terawih.
Aku terkilan bila ada di antara jemaah yg tidak mementingkan kelurusan saf. Jemaah tak merapatkan saf. Jemaah tak mengisi kekosongan saf hadapan. Jemaah pilih bulu, tak mahu bersebelahan dengan jemaah yg pekak, bisu.
Pernah terkeluar sekali dari mulut aku "Nasib la dalam bulan puasa ni tak ada syaitan.. Kalau ada, tak boleh nk dibayangkan berapa ekor yg duk menghasut jemaah dalam solat." Serius, aku sedih. Dah ditegur, di jawab balik. Iyalah, kita ni masih muda, jarang ke masjid pulak. Sabarlah...
Harapnya perkara sebegini tak berlaku di masjid2 yg mana jemaahnya lebih educated. Malu lah, kalau setakat educated dalam pelajaran saje, tp bab2 paling ringan dalam solat berjemaah pn fail. No more words from me.. Fullstop.
Everyone doesn’t understand! I bear the pain for more than 3 years. It’s going to be 4 years this coming February. Org lain senang2 bleh ckp “Nape x buat awal2?” “Nape x cabut kat uk?” “Nape x g klinik swasta?” Nape? Nape? @_@ Muak aku ngan soklan2 mcm tu.. Kalo xnk support sudah.. x yah nk soal byk2.. No one would understand, unless they’re in the same boat wif me. Oppsss.. sorry. Xde intro, xde ape, terus hambur lava2 kemarahan. Huhu. Actually, it was all about my 3rd molars a.k.a wisdom teeth (geraham bongsu). The other day, I told farah a very nice story about painful impacted wisdom tooth. She took it ‘really well’ :D
Malay docs refer the impacted cases as ‘tumbuh serong’. How does it happen? The tooth is actually failed to fully appear as expected, as a result of there is not enough room on the gums. Other than that, it could happen because the tooth has emerge from the wrong angle (angular problem). There are several impacted cases. *Please refer wiki for more info* I suffer two of those; horizontal impaction (right-bottom jaw) and soft tissue vertical impaction (left-bottom jaw). Cane aku taw? Hehe, td ms g klinik, dorg suh x-tray. Pas x-tray, dorg tunjuk kat aku. Yg belah kanan tu, mak aii.. smpai 90 degree dia terlingkup.
Yg lagi satu plak.. tumbuh dah vertical, tp x dpt tumbuh penuh. Gusi sempit.. haha. Nk wat cane, xkn nk gali gusi plak kan.. Kate org kat kaunter klinik td, 2nd case ni, senang nk cabut. Kalo dentist ade td, dah bleh cabut dh. Dah tu, nk wat cane. Dentist tu suke jiwa raga dia plak attend meeting-ape-ntah. Bengang gak aku td.
So, terpaksa la re-schedule.. Nak tak nak, kne buat dlm bulan puasa. X kesa la.. Janji bleh dikuwakn.. X sanggup dah.. Time sakit tu, smpi bengkak2 bernanah seme. Nk mkn pon, azab~~ Da xde mood nk cite byk2.
Pagi smalam, aku dengan semangatnye, naik bas g dungun, since mak aku x bagi aku drive keta ayah aku, tidak juga keta dia. P dungun nk jumpe kawan rapat 1 skolah dlu, haini. Dia bwk aku balik rumah dia. Lame btol x jejak rumah dia. Jumpe family dia yg slalu happening dan pening. Syok2 duk borak, aku dikejutkan dgn berita kematian ayah sedara belah mak aku (kire adik-beradik mak aku laa). Nak kate terkejut, ade la sket. Siyes ckp, aku xde rs ape2. Maybe sbb aku x rapat ngan dia. So, p town dungun ngan moto, beli brg sket. Then, aku mintak haini hantar aku kat rumah nenek aku (x jauh la dr town tu). X sempat nk bergambar pon ngan haini, nk borak panjang berekar-ekar pon x sempat.
Mase aku sampai, org x ramai lg. Parents aku pon x sampai lg. Tgh mintak pelepasan kot kat sekolah. Jenazah still kat kemaman. Pkol 3.30 ptg, br jenazah smpi. Tp, dah siap mandi-kapan seme. Tggl nk solat jenazah je.
Bile aku tgk jenazah, aku jd sebak (x bleh nk tgk muka pon, sbb da tutup seme dah). Bkn sebak sbb aku sedih dia dah xde. Tp, sebak sbb aku rs, mati tu dekat sgt ngan kita.
Ye la, arwah baru umo 40 tahun. Nenek aku yg menjangkau 70 tahun pon, alhamdulillah, ade lagi. Aku x taw sbb arwah meninggal. Yg aku taw, nenek kate dia dah lame sakit, tp dia x bitaw org psl keadaan dia tu, termasuk kat nenek sendiri (mak dia). Ape2 pon, aku doakan dia ditempatkan di kalangan org2 yg diredhai Allah, dan diringankan azab kubur. Al-fatihah.
Pelik aku rase diri aku ni. Time xde benda nk cite, sibuk la aku duk pk, ape benda aku nk cite kat sini. Elok2 dunia aku busy ngan bermacam bagai aktiviti, aku plak yg wat hal, x nak update blog. Bkn x nak update pon actually, tp sbb duk busy yg terlampau.. jadi ter-miss byk story-mory yg aku nk habaq kat hang pa semua. HUaargghhh~ ngantuk dah weh.. Later la cite.. peram biar jadi jeruk dlu..
Nota aku : Hari ni birthday ayah aku.. Happy birthday ayah~~ Semalam plak kucing aku beranak, 3 ekor anak dia..
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