Lame benar rasenye x update. <--- setiap kali nk update mesti guna ayat berbaur mcm ni, sbb gap entry yg terlalu lame antara satu sama lain -.- So, how are you folks? For those yg tggl kat pantai timur semenanjung, mungkin dah mula terasa kedatangan musim tengkujuh. Hopefully on the hari raya nnti, x hujan la.. At least not in the morning. Bkn ape, memudahkan keje2 qorban nnti, insyaAllah :)
Actually, kalo aku selak balik blog draft aku, berlambak kot entry yg terabai/tergendala. Byk sgt smpi aku sendiri xtaw nk smbg yg mane. Kalo publish terus, kang nnti tergantung. X tercapai plak tujuan aku bersusah payah buat research n type entry tu kan.. *sigh* Idea byk je dalam kepala otak. Byk topik menarik yg boleh dikongsi. Tp, bila brain storm sorg2, idea tu dah mcm secara x langsung terluah. Then, bila nk type balik, semenye lesap hilang. Dlu, sbb selalu tweet, idea utk blogging dah merayau masuk dlm twitter. Tp, lepas slow down tweeting pon, still jugak beku kt blog.
Back to main topic. You guys pnah perasan or maybe mmg dah taw, perkara2 yg jadi pencetus idea utk anda seme blogging? Yes, some people, they tend to make blog as their dairy, i.e everything happen on that day based on personal stuff akn jatuh hukum 'wajib' utk diblogkan. Setiap entry mmg semuanya berkaitan dgn dia dan dunia dia, xde entry yg berunsurkan lain. Wait. Aku x label ape2 ea. Cuma, maksud aku, things yg happen based on daily basis tu yg bagi idea utk that person to blog. Jadi, utk the other people yg out of that circle, apa yg trigger anda2 semua utk type entries?
Most of the time, those entries yg kita type sebenarnya have been largely influenced by our daily activities. Interest, hobbies, routines, semua tu termasuk dlm daily activities. Let say, kamu mmg akan login facebook setiap hari, checking out the news feed, selak dinding kawan, then paapp! Idea dtg bila tgk si kawan tgh gaduh di facebook dgn si bf kawan. Kamu dgn secara terus terfikir, 'mungkin aku patut blog pasal bitter-sweet relationship hari ni..' Yeaa.. that's what I talk about. The contents of your entry mungkin xde kaitan pon dgn gaduh2 manja si kawan kamu tu. It's just that the fight itself trigger you to blog.
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what inspires you? [source] |
Same goes to kalo kamu2 minat pada singing. You may want to blog about your karaoke session with friends atau the most popular singing reality show on-air this season. Ye lah, pasal nyanyian peserta2 dlm show tu, dorg pakai baju kaler ape, nyanyi lagu ape mggu ni, pasal juri yg being unfair, the tight schedule, etc. Cedok idea kat blog org pon boley ckp one of the thing that inspires you to blog/write. BUT BUT BUT, not the plagiarism thing, oke! Reading someone else blog may light the bulb in your head. Nak buat entry serang balas ke, atau nak tulis tntg topik yg same, cume dr your own perspectives, bukan copy bulat2 apa yg dah sedia ade. Tu org x panggil inspirasi.. orang panggil cilok! X baik mcm tu, tahu.. :)
It's time for bed now. Shall I leave you guys with a question. So, what trigger you to write an entry? Nyte2 bloggers!
FJ : Happy Diwali to all Hindus!
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