9th May 2009
Alhamdulillah. I've managed to finish my 1st paper without any harm. It wasn't too bad, neither too good. Hehe. Meeting the lecturer, days before the exam wasn't a bad idea, huh? Hey, hey! Not telling yah I knew the questions earlier. Just.. pretty thankful. Yeah, that's the word. Another 2 more papers to go.Wish me luck, I need it. Btw, right after the exam, I went to ladies and heard someone crying. Well, it happen almost everytime in exam season, but may not to everyone.
So, here's the story about the 'discovery'. I started to realize something different about my skin less than a month ago. I knew that my skin is pretty sensitive to weather (realize this since I've been experiencing different kind of weathers), but never knew it also sensitive to something else too. I dun know how I ended up having the un-named spots on my skin. After refering to the specialize doctor, she told me that I'm suffering eczema (some kind of dry skin condition, could be itchy at some point). I have no idea how long it would take to get my skin back as before, but one thing for sure, I'll work out for it. So far, I've been using a special shower gel, 2 types of special creams and 1 type of swallowed tablets; Cetirizine Hydrochloride (to relieve the itching problem). Yup, I can't bear the itchy anymore! Sometimes, I can't sleep and most of the time it give a hard time for me to focus in my revision, esp at night. Kinda weird why it became so itchy even the it wasn't critical. And one more thing, I have to change all kind of my washing liquid/powder (laundry washing powder, shower foam, hand washing liquid, etc) to the "sensitive type" or non biological ones. Money, money, money. Uh uh.. Did I say about me buying the prescriptions? (It's something they do in UK) Yes. And there my friends, MONEY again~~
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