I have lots and lots of things nak cerita kat sini. But dun know how to begin, where to start. It's just happen. Tu lah org ckp, dalam mase kite sedang asyik happy, bahagia, kne beringat utk waktu2 selepasnye. Xde sape yg ade the exact views of the future. Hidup kite ni gamble jek. Semuanya kita boleh rancang, boleh cuba laksanakan, tp kejayaan perlaksanaan tu, x sekali-kali terletak pada tangan kita.
For every sunrise, there are still hopes. Sekali gagal, x semestinya selama-lamanye gagal. But I put nothing on hopes other than zero! And I think, I'll put nothing on efforts after this. Serik? Not sure. But I need plenty and plenty of times. I really need to find me in me before I find it in others. Those who close to me, who always being here for me, many thanks.
For every sunrise, there are still hopes. Sekali gagal, x semestinya selama-lamanye gagal. But I put nothing on hopes other than zero! And I think, I'll put nothing on efforts after this. Serik? Not sure. But I need plenty and plenty of times. I really need to find me in me before I find it in others. Those who close to me, who always being here for me, many thanks.
weih, bukannya nak hebohkan ada blog baru..aish...
lor,,rase mcm dah publish kat blog lame,, x ckop publisiti kot,,huhu